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RedCLARAFondos y Socios


International Tropical Timber Organization - ITTO
USD 10.000 - 10.000 
ITTO está en busca de candidatos para el Programa de Becas de la Organización Internacional de Maderas. Fomentar el desarrollo humano y soportar la formación de profesionales en sus países miembros en temas relacionados con la silvicultura, industrias de maderas tropicales y otros campos afines con el ordenamiento sostenible de los bosques tropicales, la transformación y utilización sustentable de la madera y una mejor formación económica sobre la comercialización internacional de la madera tropical.

WHO/TDR Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest? 2018 / 2018-07-01 
Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) - UNICEF
Women Leaders in Global Health Challenge Contest are accepting applications which aim to increase applications from women scientists to TDR’s mid-career clinical research and development fellowship. The contest builds upon TDR Global 3-month mobilization on gender equity in health research. The fellowship is designed for scientists from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to work with pharmaceutical, research institute or product development partners for one year to learn about clinical research. The experience can help to build the global health leaders of tomorrow. Your ideas are welcomed and will celebrate the best ideas with you: Individuals who submit exceptional ideas will be supported to join the Women Leaders in Global Health conference in London this November. But more importantly, selected ideas deemed feasible by TDR will be implemented to increase women’s participation in the fellowship.

Dame Margaret Clark Scholarship in New Zealand / 2018-12-01 
University of Wellington
EUR 5.000 - 5.000 
The applications for the Dame Margaret Clark Scholarship in Political Science are open. This scholarship has been established by Sir Robert Jones to recognize the work of Dame Margaret Clark in the areas of political science and international relations. The scholarship will contribute $5,000 towards the tuition fees of a student undertaking a Master’s degree in political science or international relations at Victoria University of Wellington. Each scholarship will be tenable for 12 months. This scholarship may not be held together with a Victoria Master’s by Thesis Scholarship. One award will be offered each year.

Cofinanciado por el programa marco 
"Horizonte 2020" de la Unión Europea

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